Part 1
Part 2
-John and Amy are in the second week of potty training with their 3 year-old, Evan, and so far, he's been without an accident for three whole days. If Evan stays dry for an entire week, he gets to go to the circus when it comes to Augusta next month. They're keeping up with the progress on a handy potty progress chart that you can download here, should you need one too. Listener Kevin shared a great idea for potty training parents. On those days when you want to reward your little one for using the potty, take them to the Dollar Tree and tell them to pick out whatever they want. Kevin says "they're excited for the freedom - you're excited to get change back from $1.10."
-John's been working on his taxes and recommends a great website that allows you to e-file your federal return for free. Also, for those of us who work in one state and live in another, it does a great job figuring both state tax returns. The site is http://www.taxact.com/.
-John and Cleve have discovered the game "Angry Birds" that you play on your smartphone or iPad. Cleve is really bothered by the green pigs that taunt you and smile when you miss hitting them with the birds. John can't believe that his three year-old son is better at the game than he is. Look for the movie Angry Birds: Rio, inspired by the game, due out in April.
-We gave you another quick and easy recipe this morning during Simple Cooking with John and Cleve. Look for the breakfast casserole in the post below this one. Share your recipes with us at john@wafj.com. If we use yours, you'll get a thank-you gift.
Coming up Thursday: We'll talk to best-selling author and speaker Shaunti Feldhaun at 6:10 and 7:40. She has a new book out called The Life-Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World.
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