Things We Talked About Today

-Listeners are still trying to figure out the "why" of yesterday's Morning Morning Mindbender. We learned that half of Americans who sell their homes take the light bulbs with them. Our Facebook fans had various reasons for this including the light bulbs may be the expensive energy-saving kind, that they sold the house for less than expected and wanted to get every penny out of it or that they liked the feel of the lighting in the current house and wanted to recreate it in the new one.

-Sharathon begins at 6 AM tomorrow. Please pray about how God would use you to financially support the work He is doing in the CSRA and beyond!

-Bowen Hammitt, son of Matt from Sanctus Real, has had some setbacks in his condition. He's been recovering from heart surgery that happened right after he was born, but now they discovered that he's had a stroke and is still having difficulties with his blood sugar level. Please continue praying for this miracle baby. Updates are at

-One of third of Americans are still undecided about who they'll vote for in this year's congressional races. If you need a voting guide or a sample ballot for the November 2nd election, we have them for GA and SC at Also, advanced voting is underway this week in Georgia. Contact your county's board of elections for locations and times.

-Researchers have discovered what may be the most common sense way to help with dieting. They found that you are less likely to buy junk food at the grocery store if you pay for your purchase with cash. Those who used credit or debit cards tended to pile the junk food into their shopping carts. It makes sense! If you pay with cash, you're more discerning about what you buy because you have limited funds!

-Laura from No Other Name joined us this morning. You can find out more about the group at They will be with Michelle Tellone at the Ladies Encouragement Luncheon on November 3rd. Tickets are $5 and available at (803) 819-3125. Also, they will do a love offering concert that evening at 7:00 at The Sanctuary Church in Evans.

-If you need a fresh perspective on life, check out what someone submitted to our online prayer center this week:
"My car is repossessed, my house is in foreclosure, I have more bills than money and no job. And yet I thank God that He stills sticks by me. He wakes me up every morning, even though I have a hard time sometimes facing what lies ahead that day. I'm glad I know that Jesus is the answer to all questions because I have no answers of my own."

--There are two job fairs going on in Augusta today:
MAU is hiring for industrial positions - read more
The Georgia Department of Labor has a job fair and expo - read more

Things We Talked About Today

-Monday Morning Mindbender
Q: Half of Americans who sell their homes take this along with them. What is it?
A: Light bulbs
Rick Stringfield figured it out, but he, like us, has no idea why this is the case!?! Don't most homes come with light bulbs?

-Cleve is back from vacation and discovered that October (at least this one) is the best time to go to the beach. He said there weren't any crowds and it wasn't too hot - two prerequisites for anywhere that Cleve visits. By the way, he recommends The Sea Captain for great seafood next time you're in Myrtle Beach.

-We revealed the lineup for Winter Jam 2011, happening on February 10th at the James Brown Arena in Augusta. This year, you get 10 artists for $10 at the door. The lineup includes: Chris Sligh, Chris August, Sidewalk Prophets, KJ-52, Newsong, Francesca Battistelli, Red, Kutless, David Crowder Band and Newsboys. Tony Nolan will be the guest speaker.

-There are two job fairs going on in Augusta tomorrow:
MAU is hiring for industrial positions - read more
The Georgia Department of Labor has a job fair and expo - read more

-Sharathon begins on Wednesday. This is where we raise our operating budget, which is funded by listeners like you. Please pray about your involvement as we look for 1,071 More Than Music Mission Partners.

-The Texas Rangers and San Francisco Giants are in the World Series, which begins on Wednesday. Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton has quite a story to tell about how God rescued him from bondage to drugs and alcohol. Read the story in his own words

Coming up Tuesday...Laura from No Other Name joins us at 8:10. They'll be at the ladies luncheon with Michelle Tellone on November 3rd and will be performing that evening at The Sanctuary Church in Evans.

Cheapie of the Week - October 25th

Tiffany Kent of Thomson correctly guessed that the Cheapie of the Week is Mahatma White Rice. There is a $.50 printable coupon at The same coupon was in the Sunday newspaper. Either way, it will double at stores that double coupons, which makes for a cheap bag of rice. Publix has the one pound bag for $1.19, so it ends up being $.19 plus tax. The coupon is good on any size and any variety.