Morning Show Notes - Thursday, February 24th

-Dr. David Evans is a Memphis optometrist who is the brains behind The Grace Card, which opens Friday in Augusta and Statesboro. He, along with Calvary Church of the Nazarene, produced a movie about the power of forgiveness. Listen to our conversation:
Part 1 - Birth of the movie
Part 2 - The storyline
Part 3 - Reason for the storyline
Part 4 - Public interest in faith-filled movies

-John had an interesting afternoon while picking up his kids from daycare. First, he finds out that his normally well-behaved three year-old, Evan, was placed in time out for sticking his tongue out at his teacher and refusing to cooperate. Then, he learns that his one year-old, Emma, shared her first kiss on the lips with a little boy in her class and was smiling the whole time. She's always been a loving child, but let's not get carried away!

-There was a big round of layoffs yesterday at the Savannah River Site, one of the area's largest employers. The Aiken Standard reports that anywhere between 600 and 700 workers were terminated, although exact numbers haven't been publicly released. We talked this morning about "layoff survivor" stories - people who have been through a layoff and made it to the other side. The recurring theme was that God was faithful in each circumstance to provide a better job than the one before. If you have a story, please share it and encourage others on the 88.3 WAFJ Facebook page.

-The Drive-Thru Difference doesn't officially begin until tomorrow, but some listeners are getting a head start. Click here to listen to a call from someone who was blessed by the kindness of an 88.3 WAFJ listener.

-Coming up Friday: The Drive-Thru Difference begins! Also, our movie guy, Bob Waliszewski from Focus on the Family, joins us at 7:10 with the family-friendly take on the weekend's new movies.

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